I am thrilled to announce that I got the task to develop the Study of Development of Smart villages, specifically, the Study of Digital Transformation and modernization of communications of rural area of Kršan Municipality.
As the Study is developed, I’ll post thoughts and details of the progress. It is a complex process and complex matter; therefore, once it is finalized, it is not supposed to be forgotten but rather developed further and “live”, embrace the change and be the wind of change, the fundamental starter of something more detailed that will enrich the lives of all present and future inhabitants, serve as a catalyst for development of local and wider business community.
Based on the activities in the implementation of the Action Plan of the National Rural Network 2014 – 2020, the annual implementation plan of the National Rural Network for 2020, and in accordance with Measure 20 “Technical Assistance” from the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2014-2020, the Municipality of Kršan has adopted a decision on the preparation of the Study “Digital Transformation and Modernization of Communications of rural areas of the Municipality of Kršan” (hereinafter: Study).
The study includes consideration of the concept of smart villages, proposals, and activities for the implementation of digital transformation of rural areas and modernization of communications of rural areas of Kršan Municipality.
This study presents current opportunities in the field of digital transformation and modernization of rural area communications and can serve as a basis for long-term development and development of a strategy for the development of the concept of smart village, smart rural areas and smart Municipality of Kršan.
Digital transformation and connected modern technological solutions most commonly use the terms “smart village” and “smart city” as terms denoting areas of activity in rural and urban environments. Furthermore, “rural area” by individual definitions means an area outside any settlement with or without the status of a metropolitan municipality, city, village or any other specific residential or business area.

In the context of the Study, to simplify terminology and adapt to the specific environment that the Municipality of Kršan includes, the terms “smart village” and “rural area” have the same meaning and refer to the comprehensive area of the Municipality of Kršan, regardless of the settlement in question.
“Smart villages” are communities in rural areas that use modern and innovative solutions to improve their sustainability, while taking advantage of local opportunities.
The Municipality of Kršan realized the importance of modernization and the possibility of improving business and increasing efficiency by applying innovative solutions and modern technologies.
The use of innovative technologies improves traditional services and services and raises the quality of life and business.
As villages and rural areas are integral, closely related areas of the urban parts of the Municipality, the study covers the entire area of the Municipality of Kršan, as a cohesive body of all its components.
Digital transformation or digitalization and modernization of communications is one of the decisive factors that will, along with new services and services, significantly contribute to increasing the quality of life in the Municipality of Kršan.
The higher quality of life of residents is an extremely significant result of the successful implementation of digital transformation, but it is not the only one. The introduction of modern technologies, business transformation and transformation of the way all participants work leads to increased competitiveness and creates the basis of sustainability and overcoming the isolation of villages and rural sites.
The crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated all the necessity of a deeper and wider introduction of digital technologies into the lives of citizens and caused accelerated adaptation to the new situation. Unfortunately, many cities, municipalities, businesses, and citizens, welcomed the new situation unprepared.
The emergence of the pandemic has affected all of humanity, the tendency to develop the pandemic has surprised the most pessimistic forecasts of experts and its excessive negative impact on the economy, unfortunately, we will feel far into the future. It has changed the way we work and live literally “overnight”, and demonstrated all the importance of digital readiness, and the impact and effectiveness of digitalization on business. We have become aware of how important digital technology and modernization is – a digitally transformed society is more resilient to negative impacts and changes, economic recovery is faster, stronger and is the basis of future development and growth and is more prepared for the challenges and changes that the future hides.
It is particularly important to note that digital transformation and modernization, as well as the introduction of new, modern technologies and tools is not an end. They are here to enable and achieve something that was not possible before their introduction and existence, namely increasing business efficiency, more advanced communication, establishing the basis of sustainability and, finally, the betterment not only of all residents of the Municipality of Kršan, but also of those entities associated with the Municipality of Kršan.
Digital transformation does not stop with the introduction of digital technology and the procurement of digital tools, but the transformation success is a constructive collaboration of success of several factors. The decisive element of the implementation success and the sustainability of digital transformation is the education of users, familiarization with the possibilities of introduced technologies, active and gradual use of digital tools to the complete or planned level of adoption. Awareness of the possibilities and benefits of digital technologies as well as their acceptance and use are an especially principal element in the process of digitalization and modernization.